Frequently Asked Questions
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Q1. Can I send a tick to Purdue for identification?
Visit your physician or primary care provider immediately should you experience signs or symptoms of tick-borne disease. For signs and symptoms, visit Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Purdue Extension Entomology-Purdue University.
Q2. Can I send a tick to Purdue for testing?
Please note that we do not offer testing of ticks for diagnostic purposes. Visit your physician or primary care provider immediately should you experience signs or symptoms of tick-borne disease. For signs and symptoms, visit Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Purdue Extension Entomology-Purdue University.
Q3. What should I do if I find a tick on me?
Visit your physician or primary care provider immediately should you experience signs or symptoms of tick-borne disease. For signs and symptoms, visit Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Purdue Extension Entomology-Purdue University.
Q4. How should I remove a tick?
Q5. When will the Tick INsiders Team be sampling in my area?
Q6. How can I become involved in the Tick INsiders Project?
Q7. Will Purdue provide information on the pathogens detected in Indiana ticks?
Q8. What pathogens will Purdue test Indiana ticks for?