How to Sample Indiana Ticks for Tick INsiders
This guide is intended to help you collect ticks for analysis by Tick INsiders. Below, we provide information on the three tick species sampled by Tick INsiders, including where ticks are found around the state, when to sample and places to look for ticks. Counties considered high priority for tick sampling are shown on the Tick Sampling Locations map. To view the tick sampling locations, click here
Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease tick)

- Considered established in most counties, not yet documented in some counties in NE Indiana
- Active during spring and fall, typically between 40-60°F
- Found in wooded area with leaf litter and uncut grass
- Adults are active in early spring (late March onwards) throughout the state
Dermacentor variabilis (American dog tick)

- Established in all Indiana counties
- Active during the spring and summer, most active at temperatures above 70°F
- Found in similar habitats as the Lyme disease tick and in areas with tall grass
- Adults active in spring (late April onwards)
Amblyomma americanum (Lone star tick)

- Present in all counties, but more common in southern counties
- Active during spring and summer, most active at temperatures above 70°F
- Found in wooded areas with a bushy understory
- Adults are active now (April) in southern counties